WebWorks Showroom Features

A sampling of presentations available in our website design

Your current blog or article entry will automatically show at the top in full width of the content area. This entry can be as long as desired, however, a good presentation page of multiple entries reads best when the content is kept short. This allows the reader to scan the beginnings of numerous entries without the need for lengthy scrolls.

Longer posts can have a "Read More" button inserted into the article at an appropriate spot.  This button will open the full article in its own page for reading in its entirity.

When there are numerous articles in a set, such as a blog or series of articles on a topic, navigation links at the bottom of the page can be configured to allow for easy movement to the next or previous post. Very long articles can also include page breaks. These page breaks will be shown as part of the article and allow the user to page through the article directly rather than scroll the page.

Whichever methods are used in your presentation, configuration flexibility is a key to providing the pleasing style you prefer.

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